Product Hunt Launch Success of an IT Startup

Key highlights

Key highlights

  • The tool won the 'Product of the Day' title on Product Hunt, a highly coveted recognition in the tech community
  • More than 100 registrations, a substantial influx of 770 users from Product Hunt, and an impressive traffic growth rate of 12.8 times compared to regular user traffic on the launch day
  • The successful launch also attracted several offers from potential investors, paving the way for future growth and expansion
  • The well-planned strategy showcased the effectiveness of non-paid promotion methods
Team involved

Team involved

  • 1 part-time UI/UX designer
  • 1 part-time marketing consultant/mentor
  • 1 full-time marketer (mentee)


  • 2 months of preparation and implementation


A no-code test automation tool was introduced in 2022, designed to enable users to create automated tests without the necessity of coding. This innovative solution aimed to transform the software testing landscape by making it accessible to a broader user base.



The challenge was two-fold:

Market Differentiation: Given the highly competitive market for test automation tools, the client needed to set its new product apart from competitors and prove its unique value proposition.

Visibility and Adoption: Being a new entrant, the challenge was to generate visibility and promote adoption among developers, QA professionals, and tech enthusiasts. The goal was to win the 'Product of the Day' title on Product Hunt, a platform that could provide the visibility and validation the product sought, and increase its customer base.

DogQ - The Easiest-to-Use Codeless Test Automation Tool

* Source: Product homepage



The startup team was offered a detailed guideline for the launch and after-launch on Product Hunt, which included the following steps:

Comprehensive preparation: the creation of promotional materials that highlighted the product’s unique features, alongside a clear roadmap of future enhancements.

Engagement on Product Hunt: Actively engaging with the Product Hunt community on the launch day, answering queries, and explaining the codeless automation tool functionalities.

Social Media Promotion: Leveraging social media channels to drive followers to Product Hunt, encouraging them to upvote and share.

Live Updates: Keeping the community informed with live demonstrations, user testimonials, and previews of upcoming features.



The well-orchestrated strategy led to the no-code test automation tool winning 'Product of the Day' on Product Hunt. The results were immediate and substantial:

  • User Registrations: More than a hundred registrations on the website were driven by Product Hunt shortly after the win.
  • Product Hunt Driven Users: From Product Hunt, a total of 770 users were drawn to the tool, highlighting the effectiveness of the launch platform.
  • Day of Launch Growth: The launch day saw an impressive growth rate of 12.8 times
  • Media Attention: The tool was featured in major tech publications, boosting its profile, such as HackerNoon,
  • Investor Interest: Several offers from potential investors were received, opening avenues for future growth and expansion.
DogQ at Producthunt - product of the day

* Source: Product Hunt website

Google Search Console - Clicks and Impressions chart

* Source: Google Search Console of the no-code test automation tool


This case study represents an inspiring example for startups and new products aiming to make a mark in a competitive market. Through careful planning, leveraging non-paid promotion methods, and engaging with the community, the startup not only won the coveted 'Product of the Day' title on Product Hunt but also succeeded in building a strong user base and attracting significant investor interest. .