Improved Website Performance & First Leads
in 3 Months of Active Promotion

Key highlights

Key highlights

  • The number of returning visitors increased more than twofold
  • The average session duration on the website improved by 356.59%
  • Bounce rate improved by 55.28%
  • The average number of pages viewed per session improved by 1,866.80%
  • The company got a brand-new structured website
Team involved

Team involved

  • 2 full-time copywriters
  • 1 full-time content manager
  • 1 part-time SEO specialist
  • 1 part-time junior designer
  • 1 part-time junior website developer
  • 1 part-time marketing consultant/mentor


  • 2.5 months - research and preparation of a strategic marketing plan, a roadmap, and a quarterly content plan
  • 4 months of website redesign
  • 3 months of content plan implementation itself (Apr, 18 - Jul, 18 2022)

About The Client

A Poland-based IT software development company focusing on custom software development for the USA as the target region. It specializes in such domains as eCommerce, Real Estate, Cybersecurity, HealthTech, and FinTech.



The client complained about the low efficiency of its inbound marketing efforts (there were only 1-2 inbound leads in 1.5 years of work).

The company had a relatively young one-page website launched in 2019. Starting from June 2020 they hired a marketing team (two copywriters) who started to write blog posts for the website, producing about 4 posts per month on average. The created blog posts were not SEO-optimized and the topics were selected quite randomly and lacked CTAs.

By the end of 2021 several key ER (engagement rate) indicators, such as average session duration and pages visited per session got worse, especially from the organic search, as you can see in the picture next.

Google Analytics chart

* Source: Client’s Google Analytics



It was suggested to conduct a digital marketing audit, review the strategy and prepare a comprehensive marketing plan coherent with the overall business strategy. Several sessions were conducted to get insights into the client's pain points. We also analyzed its client portfolio and conducted market research to define the best client segments for the company.

Based on the findings, it was suggested to make amendments to the content strategy and hire extra marketing staff to succeed with the set goals. When the marketing plan was ready, in January 2022 a full-time content manager and a part-time SEO specialist joined the team. We prepared a detailed monthly content plan, involving also the company’s website redesign and restructuring. As soon as the redesign was ready (it took the company almost 4 months) and the key web pages went live in April 2022, we started to publish all the content the copywriters created for the website during the redesign stage.

Starting from January 2022 the part-time SEO specialist was allocated a small budget for regular link building and prepared technical assignments for copywriters. Technical SEO issues have been eliminated as well.



Consistent blog posting, creation of new service pages, as well as overall improvement of the website design and structure, allowed us to significantly improve the website performance within the 3 months of active work with new service pages and blogging (Apr-May-June 2022):

  • The average session duration on the website improved by 356.59% (from 00:00:39 to 00:02:56)
  • Bounce rate improved by 55.28% (from 37.25% to 16.66%)
  • The average number of pages viewed per session improved by 1,866.80% (from 0.46 to 9.08)
Result Google Analytics chart

* Source: Client’s Google Analytics

The number of returning visitors to the website increased twofold (from 9% to 19%):
Result Google Analytics chart - returning visitors

* Source: Client’s Google Analytics

And finally, It took three months for the company after the launch of a new version of the website to generate its first MQL lead from the renewed website
Audit result - first leads

* Source: Client’s Gmail


It took the client almost 4 months to launch a renewed version of the website due to internal reasons. That’s why the key marketing promotion activities were postponed, though plenty of content has been created during this time and published later in April-June.

Lead generation can be speeded up if website redesign and development durations are less.