Case Study: User Engagement Increase by 1708.1% After Company's Rebranding

Key highlights

Key highlights

  • An all-encompassing transformation of the company’s identity (logo, mission statement, brand strategy)
  • The average engagement time increased by 1708,1%
  • The average engagement time per session increased by 1494,1%
  • First marketing qualified leads (MQL) in 3 months
Team involved

Team involved

  • 1 part-time UI/UX designer
  • 1 part-time marketing consultant/mentor
  • 1 full-time website developer
  • 1 full-time copywriter


  • 2.5 months of research work and implementation


CleverDev Software embarked on a rebranding project with several objectives ranging from refreshing the logo to establishing a solid company status as a custom software development company and fostering a unified language and style, perceptible anywhere in the world. This rebranding case study documents the process of creating a visual communication system, underscoring the importance of brand consistency.



CleverDev Software Website - Before redesign

The initial CleverDev Software logo, despite its vibrant and unique design, didn't fully embody the scope and specifics of the company's work. The company focused primarily on delivering custom software solutions for diverse industries, including Healthcare, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Retail, and Logistics, among others. However, while striving to offer top-tier services to both medium and large-scale businesses, the visual identity of the brand did not resonate entirely with the company's core values and target audience.

Furthermore, the company's website was in need of attention. Both the user interface and content lacked clarity and organization, making it difficult for visitors to understand the company's offerings and expertise. The website's content did not fully articulate the company's commitment to quality, service-focused solutions, and the formation of robust partnerships. The interface lacked user-centric design principles, which might have deterred prospective clients or made it challenging for existing ones to access important information or features. Even a launched PPC campaign didn’t bring any leads to the website.


Solution. The Redesign Project

CleverDev Software Website - After redesign

The rebranding effort, therefore, involved a logo redesign, an essential overhaul of the website's UI and content, creating a more coherent, user-friendly, and informative platform that mirrored CleverDev Software's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

During the redesign project, we set several tasks including:

  • Designing a new logo
  • Updating and simplifying the website design
  • Devising a brand strategy for CleverDev Software
  • Creating a visual style that reflects the company's values

Result. New Logo, Brandbook, and Website

CleverDev Software Logo - Before & After

After several months of work exploring evolutionary and revolutionary approaches to the company's identity, the final result was simple and emotional. We used the initials of the company name (CD) as the graphic basis of the logo, enhancing them with petal elements. The logo achieved line unity and became visually harmonious, and stronger. Additionally, the 'CD' in the logo also serves as an indication of CleverDev's focus on custom development services.

Aligning with the market trend of simplifying graphic forms, we refined typography and did away with unnecessary contour solutions. The logo became more concise, clean, and restrained. Thanks to the font, the logo became brighter, and the design more sophisticated, all of which make a pleasant combination and lends a more solid style.

Brand Guidelines

CleverDev Software Brandbook illustration

A critical aspect of this project was the creation of the Brand Guidelines. This comprehensive document covers all essential aspects of the company's brand identity and serves as a central reference point for all branding and communication strategies.

It outlines the company's vision and mission, specifying the preferred tone of voice in various communication contexts, and maintaining consistency in the brand's voice and personality. A significant part of this guide is the detailed visual guidelines that stipulate the correct usage and application of the company logo to ensure brand consistency.

The guide also defines the company's typography preferences, with specifics for different types of materials, ensuring a uniform look and feel across all company materials, and enhancing readability. It specifies the official color palette to be utilized in all messaging mediums for consistent brand representation.

The brand guidelines provide data about the brand's character, positioning, values, tonality, audience, and advantages, and also illustrate how to use brand constants and additional style-forming elements.

This extensive guide was designed to direct CleverDev Software in all their products, facilitate communication with any user or designer worldwide using a unified language, and underscore the company's commitment to maintaining brand consistency and integrity.

Website Transformation

Result Google Analytics chart - user engagement time

* Source: Google Analytics 4

The overhaul of CleverDev's website marked a significant turning point for the company. We not only improved its aesthetics but also its functionality and user experience. The revamped website introduced a more intuitive navigation structure, making it easier for visitors to find the information they were looking for and explore the site.

By updating and refining the website content, we managed to better articulate CleverDev's offerings and value proposition. The content now effectively communicates the company's commitment to delivering quality, service-focused solutions and fostering robust partnerships.

The website's user interface was redesigned to be more visually appealing and user-friendly. This led to a significant increase in user engagement and interaction on the website.

The website redesign was more than just a cosmetic change. It significantly improved the overall user experience, making it easier for visitors to understand what CleverDev does and how they can benefit from their services. In 2,5 months this resulted in an increase in the average engagement time from 0:04 sec to 1 min 15 sec by 1708,1%, average engagement time per session increased from 0:02 sec to 0:40 sec by 1494,1%.

Besides, a newly launched PPC campaign brought marketing qualified leads (MQL) to the website instantly.

Overall, the website redesign played a significant role in CleverDev's successful rebranding, contributing to a more coherent and effective online presence.


This case study encapsulates CleverDev Software's 2.5-month rebranding journey that triggered a dramatic 1708.1% surge in user engagement. A team involving a UI/UX designer, a marketing consultant, and a website developer overhauled the company's logo, brand strategy, and website, culminating in a coherent brand image.

Notably, within three months, the rebranding efforts also paved the way for the company's first marketing qualified leads (MQL).