Digital Marketing Audit

Your marketing spends money but fails to bring you new customers?

We can help and audit your marketing activities. Your digital marketing audit will include conclusions and ready-to-use recommendations that you can instantly apply and improve your marketing performance.

What Does an Online Marketing Audit Process Include?

A good audit involves thorough gathering and analysis of both internal and external factors that influence your marketing performance:

External environment audit

  • Market trends audit that includes market research, market development forecast for the coming years.
  • Target audience analysis: segmentation and client portraits review.
  • Competitors research: direct/indirect competitors, SWOT analysis.

Internal environment audit

  • Analysis of your marketing department functions, and employee’s competence and motivation.
  • Evaluation of your marketing department performance, marketing planning process, goals setting and achievement, as well as marketing reporting for business owners/CEO.
  • Deep marketing-mix analysis: your offer review in terms of product evaluation (whether it fills a significant customer need), pricing strategy (finding the right price to maintain profit margins), delivery methods to your potential customers, promotion channels and strategies to reach your audience.

What You Can Expect from a Marketing Audit Report?

We analyze your overall digital marketing performance and provide a competent advice on necessary improvements. They include industry insights, traffic analytics, audience insights, and content development strategies that will improve your digital presence, and grow you brand strength.

Your structured non-biased audit report will include:

  • Website performance in terms of content and usability
  • SEO performance (including technical SEO issues)
  • Security issues, if any
  • Social media performance
  • Paid campaigns performance
  • Comparative analysis of your competitors’ promotion methods and budgets
  • SWOT analysis and conclusions

Who Needs a Digital Marketing Audit?

  • Business Owners
  • Senior Marketers
  • CEOs

What Are The Tangible Benefits You Get?

  • You receive an objective report on the status of marketing in your company
  • You understand the weak points and save costs on ineffective marketing activities
  • You get industry and competitor benchmarks that will guide your resource allocation and help you set realistic expectations
  • You get comprehensive steps to substantially improve your marketing performance in the short-term period

Case Studies

Uncover a detailed digital marketing audit for a Polish IT firm. This case study identifies key issues in branding, SEO, and content, and outlines strategic solutions for enhanced web presence and effective ad strategies.

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